Editorial: To spot the next big story, sometimes you have to peek in a window.
This weekend, if you happen to be enjoying a quiet dinner at home or getting ready for bed or even just waking up to that first cup of life-giving coffee, and you think you spot an unfamiliar face in the kitchen window, don't forget to wave. That's us, searching out the next big story to appear in Pondering Lake News. While the other news outfits are all grabbing the low hanging fruit in Washington and the Middle East, we're on the ground and in the windows right here at home, looking for news wherever we can find it. We don't have to tell you that spotting a big story lakeside isn't as easy as spotting a fleet of armored Humvees thundering across the desert. So tonight, if you're tucking the little ones into bed and you see us poking around in the bushes outside, rest easy knowing we're on the job... for you.
Oh. Hi there.